'Shaandaar' starring Shahid Kapoor and Alia Bhatt has witnessed disappointment at the box office in its first weekend. The overall collection of the movie in its first weekend was mere Rs. 33.51 cr.
The movie collected Rs. 13.10 cr on the first day of its release (Thursday). The collections went down to Rs. 7.55 cr on day two (Friday) and further reduced on day three and four as it earned Rs. 6.75 cr and Rs. 6.11 cr simultaneously. The total collections of the film in three days could not go higher than Rs. 33.51 cr.
After a couple of flops, Shahid Kapoor rose higher in his career with 'Haider' in which the actor starred opposite Shraddha Kapoor. But, with 'Shaandaar' not doing so well at the box office, the actor might as well be pinning hopes to his next movie 'Udta Punjab' which also stars Alia Bhatt, Kareena Kapoor and Punjabi actor Diljit Dosanjh.
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